Seed regulations and compliance
Review requirements for seed labeling, seed sales, records, and reporting
Requirements differ between agricultural and vegetable seeds and may vary depending on size of the container. We recommend reviewing the Louisiana seed law and rules and regulations for specific labeling requirements.
LDAF inspectors collect random samples of unopened, labeled seed containers being offered for sale. Those samples are then sent to our Seed Testing Laboratory for analysis. We test for both purity content and germination percentages. If the seed lot is mislabeled, or if laboratory analyses determines that the seed lot is out of tolerance for germination percentages or purity content, we issue a Stop Sale Order on that seed lot.
Review the Louisiana Seed Dealer Information Guide for detailed information on seed regulatory requirements and working in cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry seed regulatory officials.
Labeling seeds
Every container of seeds offered for sale in Louisiana requires a label, which tells the consumer things they need to know about the seeds, including:
The kind and variety of seed
How well the seed will germinate
The percentage of other materials contained in the seed lot, such as other crop seed, noxious weed seeds, and inert matter
Any chemical treatments or coatings the seed might have received
Note: to learn more about labeling requirements for coated seed , refer to Seed Law and Seed Rules and Regulations .
Find general labeling requirements at the link below.
Anyone who sells, distributes, offers, or handles for sale any agricultural and vegetable seed within Louisiana must pay an inspection fee according to the following guidelines.
Fees, conditions, and exemptions
Inspection fee is 25 cents per 100 pounds of agricultural or vegetable seed sold, offered for sale, exposed for sale, or otherwise distributed for sale for planting purposes within Louisiana.
What the fee covers:
The seller must pay the fee on the total pounds at first point of sale in Louisiana.
You are exempt if you have already paid the certification fees for Louisiana certified, tagged seed.
Reporting sales
If you sell seeds in Louisiana, you must keep records showing:
lot or identification number
kind and variety of seed in the seed lot
amount of seed contained in the seed lot, and
for each seed lot sold, the invoice number identified with:
lot number
container weight
number of containers of seed
name of the person to whom the seed was sold or distributed
If you are a registered seed dealer, LDAF will send you a report to file each quarter.
Quarterly reports and the months they cover:
1st quarter: July, August, September
2nd quarter: October, November, December
3rd quarter: January, February, March
4th quarter: April, May, June
Filing deadlines and penalties
File reports and fees with the department no later than 30 days following the end of each quarte r. The department may assess a 10 percent additional charge for late reports . If you have no sales during the quarterly reporting period you still must notify the department.
Paying fees online
You can pay for seed licenses, regulatory seed inspection fees, and seed testing online.
Controlling weeds in seed
Both the state of Louisiana and the USDA Federal Seed Act prohibit the sale of agricultural seeds containing certain kinds of noxious weed seeds. The Louisiana Noxious Weed Seed List linked below lists:
The types of restricted weed seeds that are legal (in small amounts) of commercial seeds;
Limits on the type and amount of weed seeds per pound that commercial seed may contain; and
The prohibited noxious weeds whose seeds are never allowed in any quantity.